today, i attended the walk for life rally in san francisco.
it was an annual a prolife march down embarcadero st.
the march was painfully slow and took about 3-3 1/2 hrs.
there were protesters and counter-protesters, and it was an all around good time; and of course i had my camera to document it.
here's photos of the posters of the protesters and counterprotesters (don't hold anything i say about the photos against me; i marched for the prolife group, but will proceed to verbally tease both sides' posters):

i loved this one; it's basically an ad for an online catholic dating site that had very little relevance to the march.

comparing abortion to terrorism is a bit extreme. calling eligible voters terrorists, will lose votes in upcoming elections.

sure, susan b. anthony may had been prolife, but is she a relevant role model for women everywhere? no. (but then again, she was probably the most liberal woman in the past millennium who was prolife, so it's probably the best that could be done in this matter.)

i still need to go see that movie...

nice play in the "save baby seals" slogan of the nineties.

"we'll guilt trip those counterprotesters into becoming prolife" (guilt trips only work effectively from mothers to children. nice attempt though.)

this one took me a while to figure out, at first i thought "are they saying homer simpson is protesting too?" but under further inspection it was a pregnant belly. i should have realized that sooner...

nice retort to a previous counterprotester slogan.

"upon reading, one counterprotester realized that was why she lost $5000 after having an abortion."

personalized posters are the best.
..this picket posters is aimed towards law-makers... i think, or maybe it was just to piss off counterprotesters.

give anime characters a chance to live! don't abort human or anime babies! helping two birds with one stone.

this man was carrying what seemed to be a very nice reproduction of the image of our lady of guadeloupe. he is very brave.

nike quickly asked carlos (that's his name) to be in a nike/prolife commercial after seeing his poster.
my fav. prolife protester poster:

it's the blue one: "even vader chose life..."
there were also representatives for some of the presidential hopefuls.

ron paul has a very slim chance of winning, but it's a nice attempt.

i'm not sure if this guys is an official huckabee rep, but it's the thought that counts.
now (because this is a balanced view of the march) the counterprotester's posters.

straight to the point and boring.
..stereotype: republicans are prolife/antiabortion, but pro death penalty and antiwelfare. i assume that's what this is aiming at.

don't worry, vajayjay goop on rosaries is pretty gross. i think it will be more of a legal issue rather than a physical crusade against abortion.

i'm not really sure what point this is trying to make, but i'm pretty sure reagan died from alzheimer's disease and being 93 years old (i didn't know that off the top of my head, i looked it up on wikipedia).

"without lube or anything" y-ouch.

"that's not fair, i wanna talk to god too!"

old school picket: thumbs down.

i like the "i moved here..." poster, i don't know why. i guess it means no matter where you go, there will always be people who don't agree with you (poster is multi-functional, i want one for my office).
this is my fav. counterprotester poster:

(the "gay" one) karma, again. she should hang out with the other karma based poster maker, they could create a great karma based slogan company.
so that's what i saw, and thought. share your thoughts.