I just got a tumblr account, so I'm moving my blog to:
Sure it's less elegant of a URL, but maybe someday I'll also get a domain. Maybe.
So, for now of all my posts will be there for now on.
Fountains Of Wayne
I made a badge.
You should too.
I also made a video.
This song makes me think about a girl I had a crush on in high school. :/
It's sorta HD. Not really. I need a new camera bad.
I feel like I'm slipping away from dancer and back to human. It's kind of a bummer.
You should too.
I also made a video.
This song makes me think about a girl I had a crush on in high school. :/
It's sorta HD. Not really. I need a new camera bad.
I feel like I'm slipping away from dancer and back to human. It's kind of a bummer.
Free Download
This is what I've been working on all day with my sis:
It's a free m4a (iTunes Plus) of our cover of Weezer's (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To.
Let me know what you think! :)
It's a free m4a (iTunes Plus) of our cover of Weezer's (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To.
Let me know what you think! :)
Best costume in the world or best costume in the world ever?

I'm dressed up as Amir from JakeAndAmir.com. I didn't get anyone to dress up as Jake with me. Whateve.
Today is my mother's birthday! Happy birthday to my mother! <3

(The lovely woman standing next to the priest.)
I'm dressed up as Amir from JakeAndAmir.com. I didn't get anyone to dress up as Jake with me. Whateve.
Today is my mother's birthday! Happy birthday to my mother! <3
(The lovely woman standing next to the priest.)
Wedding Photos
Here's the photos I posted from my cousin's wedding and wedding rehearsal over the weekend.

Banana Costume
I'm going to be a rocking banana for halloween.
Rocking Kuppajoe
I had an awesome time last night at Kuppajoe. I think everyone else that was there did too. Casey rocked it weird sounding acoustic guitar and Skouts Honor rocked really hard. Okay, here's some goodies:

Uh oh.
Dear blog,
I've been neglecting you. Luckily unlike my dog, you won't die from neglect, but that means the dog gets priority over you…
I've been up to a lot, blog. School is slowly killing me. I have lots of homework to do, but I procrastinate.
There has been lots of music in my life. I purchased lots of new CDs. A Fine Frenzy, Imogen Heap, Relient K, Monsters Of Folk, Paramore and lots more. I love them all. I forgot to state in my last post that I saw blink-182. It was amazing. Seeing Weezer and then blink was fulfilling to my inner teenager. Those two bands helped shape my awkward years and maybe that was the turning point in my life to be less awkward. Eh. Probably not.
I've been writing a lot, just not to you and I hope that's okay. I have a handful of new songs to record. I'm hoping to take a long weekend and put them all down to garageband or logic soon.
I made a video yesterday and that is what many spurred this post. I made the video because Bazil is playing Kuppajoe next Friday. I'm very excited. The Kennedy Bros are nice and are too kind to let my band play at their venue.
Anyway, here's the video. Talk to you later, blog.
I've been neglecting you. Luckily unlike my dog, you won't die from neglect, but that means the dog gets priority over you…
I've been up to a lot, blog. School is slowly killing me. I have lots of homework to do, but I procrastinate.
There has been lots of music in my life. I purchased lots of new CDs. A Fine Frenzy, Imogen Heap, Relient K, Monsters Of Folk, Paramore and lots more. I love them all. I forgot to state in my last post that I saw blink-182. It was amazing. Seeing Weezer and then blink was fulfilling to my inner teenager. Those two bands helped shape my awkward years and maybe that was the turning point in my life to be less awkward. Eh. Probably not.
I've been writing a lot, just not to you and I hope that's okay. I have a handful of new songs to record. I'm hoping to take a long weekend and put them all down to garageband or logic soon.
I made a video yesterday and that is what many spurred this post. I made the video because Bazil is playing Kuppajoe next Friday. I'm very excited. The Kennedy Bros are nice and are too kind to let my band play at their venue.
Anyway, here's the video. Talk to you later, blog.
Harry Potter
Back to school.
Today was my first day back to school.
Starting my third year of college is kinda strange. I kinda know how it works now. I try not to act too confident, because I know I'll wind up in a sticky situation where I'll need to know something and not.
So far my classes seem pretty cool. Media Law is mandatory for my major, so I hope that one is fairly painless. New Media seems like a breeze as long as I don't procrastinate on the papers. And lastly, Fiction Writing looks like it'll be a fun class, since it's mostly reading, discussion and writing, that and the TA teaching seems like a cool dude.
I have three more new classes tomorrow, and hopefully they're just as nice.
So I might be getting a new phone soon, so message me if you feel that I should have your phone number. Thanks.
Also, Bazil might be entering a Battle of the Band in Fullerton. If we do, would you be willing come down to Fullerton with us (possible official caravan) and spend a day with us? The tickets will be $10 and whoever is driving the caravan might appreciate some gas money too. Comment or message me your thoughts.
Starting my third year of college is kinda strange. I kinda know how it works now. I try not to act too confident, because I know I'll wind up in a sticky situation where I'll need to know something and not.
So far my classes seem pretty cool. Media Law is mandatory for my major, so I hope that one is fairly painless. New Media seems like a breeze as long as I don't procrastinate on the papers. And lastly, Fiction Writing looks like it'll be a fun class, since it's mostly reading, discussion and writing, that and the TA teaching seems like a cool dude.
I have three more new classes tomorrow, and hopefully they're just as nice.
So I might be getting a new phone soon, so message me if you feel that I should have your phone number. Thanks.
Also, Bazil might be entering a Battle of the Band in Fullerton. If we do, would you be willing come down to Fullerton with us (possible official caravan) and spend a day with us? The tickets will be $10 and whoever is driving the caravan might appreciate some gas money too. Comment or message me your thoughts.
Watch tonight's show for free!
Check back at 7:30pm to see Zach, Bazil and Kill Mike Love.

But if you can get to Hanford, come hang out with us. It's still free.
But if you can get to Hanford, come hang out with us. It's still free.
Two And A Half Days
Through Wednesday, I'm going to be unplugged, offline, let got of the matrix.
My family decided to go to downtown Los Angeles. As a fairly impromptu vacation.
I decided to not take my computer. Now, my lil sis might take her iPod Touch and I might be tempted to check my email or something, but I'm going to try to not give into temptation. We'll see.
Okay here I go. Wish me luck.
The CMT production of Evita is amazing. Also, (500) Days Of Summer is awesome too. But if you're looking for something free to do this weekend, come hear Bazil at the Hanford Caffe é Via.
My family decided to go to downtown Los Angeles. As a fairly impromptu vacation.
I decided to not take my computer. Now, my lil sis might take her iPod Touch and I might be tempted to check my email or something, but I'm going to try to not give into temptation. We'll see.
Okay here I go. Wish me luck.
The CMT production of Evita is amazing. Also, (500) Days Of Summer is awesome too. But if you're looking for something free to do this weekend, come hear Bazil at the Hanford Caffe é Via.
Here's some video from last Saturday's set at Kuppajoe. I forgot to record the Bazil set. :/
He Dreams Of Sleep (Peter):
From Indian Lakes (Joey):
Bazil is playing again the 15th in Hanford. I'll take all my gear to broadcast it online.
He Dreams Of Sleep (Peter):
From Indian Lakes (Joey):
Bazil is playing again the 15th in Hanford. I'll take all my gear to broadcast it online.
Tonight! …And other stuff.
Starline Grill 8-10pm.

Come hear me make music with my guitar.
Kuppajoe, 7pm, $6.

There's so much cool stuff I've seen recently that I should talk about. I'll try to summarize.
I'm super glad with how the sixth Harry Potter turned out. I really enjoyed the movie Moon, it really showed a great attention to detail and tons of emotion. The Clovis Centerstage production of Beauty and the Beast is fantastic. I'm so proud of all my friends in the show and in the orchestra!
Come hear me make music with my guitar.
Kuppajoe, 7pm, $6.
There's so much cool stuff I've seen recently that I should talk about. I'll try to summarize.
I'm super glad with how the sixth Harry Potter turned out. I really enjoyed the movie Moon, it really showed a great attention to detail and tons of emotion. The Clovis Centerstage production of Beauty and the Beast is fantastic. I'm so proud of all my friends in the show and in the orchestra!
Death Cab Video 1
Here's the first video I made:
The second is uploading right now and I'll post it when it's done.
The second is uploading right now and I'll post it when it's done.
Death Cab For Cutie
I just uploaded most of my pictures from the concert in the Greek Theater. Here they are:

The concert was amazing. The opening act RaRa Riot was really entertaining. I really liked their electric violin and cello combinations. Andrew Bird was also great. His use of looping to make whistle harmonies and violin chords was extraordinary. Death Cab was top notch and put on an amazing show. I'm uploading video and will add it here when it's all done.
The Greek Theater made for a good, large, yet intimate venue.
I gave Andrew Bird's drummer a Bazil cd when I saw him in the crowd. I really hope he listens to it.
I'm having a blast in Berkeley, but will be missing home soon…
The concert was amazing. The opening act RaRa Riot was really entertaining. I really liked their electric violin and cello combinations. Andrew Bird was also great. His use of looping to make whistle harmonies and violin chords was extraordinary. Death Cab was top notch and put on an amazing show. I'm uploading video and will add it here when it's all done.
The Greek Theater made for a good, large, yet intimate venue.
I gave Andrew Bird's drummer a Bazil cd when I saw him in the crowd. I really hope he listens to it.
I'm having a blast in Berkeley, but will be missing home soon…
4th of July
Here's some of my pictures from the 2009 4th of July:

My family had a pretty awesome shindig as we do year after year, but this year was pretty tame compared to previous years. Oh well, no big deal.
I'm almost done with the BTG concept songs. I think I only need two more. I really didn't work on it at all this week, but I feel that if I finish all the songs before July, I'm good. Because then Matt will be back in the middle of August and we can get them all recorded in late August and early September.
I really want to record a handful of duet covers with a bunch or people and release them online for free. I think I can do 5-10 songs before summer is over. What do you think? Is that something worth pursuing?
My family had a pretty awesome shindig as we do year after year, but this year was pretty tame compared to previous years. Oh well, no big deal.
I'm almost done with the BTG concept songs. I think I only need two more. I really didn't work on it at all this week, but I feel that if I finish all the songs before July, I'm good. Because then Matt will be back in the middle of August and we can get them all recorded in late August and early September.
I really want to record a handful of duet covers with a bunch or people and release them online for free. I think I can do 5-10 songs before summer is over. What do you think? Is that something worth pursuing?
PSU now on iTunes
American Rock Violinist!
Last night was the CD Release party for The Patrick Contreras Band! They took up the whole parking lot behind the Tower Theater in Fresno and totally shook the city!
Here's my pictures from the event:

And a video of them covering Hendrix's Purple Haze:
I'm bummed my camera died while shooting pics of HR7 at the afterparty. The one of Mikey B was the only one that really turned out…
It was good to see old friends and new friends. Overall, rockin' night.
Here's my pictures from the event:
And a video of them covering Hendrix's Purple Haze:
I'm bummed my camera died while shooting pics of HR7 at the afterparty. The one of Mikey B was the only one that really turned out…
It was good to see old friends and new friends. Overall, rockin' night.
New Videos
From last night:
Come hang out with us next Thursday (6.25.2009) from 5-7pm in the skyroom in the Downtown Fresno Holiday Inn!
Come hang out with us next Thursday (6.25.2009) from 5-7pm in the skyroom in the Downtown Fresno Holiday Inn!
Pictures and whatnot
Here's some pictures from an outing to an indoor-mini-golf business in Fresno:

The last picture is of this new jazz combo I'm playing in and we're playing for the next seven Thursdays in the skyroom in the Holiday Inn in downtown Fresno. We play from 5-7pm and anyone can park in the underground parking lot and take the Holiday Inn elevator up to the 9th floor and hangout with us.
During yesterday's gig, the sun was setting behind us, which looked pretty cool, but standing in the sun was being in a greenhouse. The drummer, Matt Lopez, got most of the sun on his back but was a trooper and totally rocked through the heat.
In other band/music news, Bazil The Great is in the Frenso Bee!

Of course, Patrick Contreras and 40 Watt Hype had to steal our thunder with bigger features in the Bee, but whatever. We're still gonna rock.
I'm trying to get Hero's Sports Club to let Bazil play, but I have to call at a certain time to talk to a certain person about that and it's as hard as an old Nintendo RPG where I needed the magical sword to slay the dragon, but needed 50 gold coins to buy the sword, and needed to clean the bartender's restroom to make the money but the bartender was captured by the peasants and I need to save the bartender first to get anything done.
Oh and Bazil also got a little set back with attempts of getting signed to a record label. I got this email the other day:
"Hey Kyle,
Thanks for hitting us up. I took a listen and enjoyed your music.
However, it's not what we're looking for at the moment. Best of luck
though and maybe we will see you in the future!
Scott ----
-------- Records"
Oh well, we keep chugging along, but I will say I was a little bummed for the rest of that day…
The last picture is of this new jazz combo I'm playing in and we're playing for the next seven Thursdays in the skyroom in the Holiday Inn in downtown Fresno. We play from 5-7pm and anyone can park in the underground parking lot and take the Holiday Inn elevator up to the 9th floor and hangout with us.
During yesterday's gig, the sun was setting behind us, which looked pretty cool, but standing in the sun was being in a greenhouse. The drummer, Matt Lopez, got most of the sun on his back but was a trooper and totally rocked through the heat.
In other band/music news, Bazil The Great is in the Frenso Bee!
Of course, Patrick Contreras and 40 Watt Hype had to steal our thunder with bigger features in the Bee, but whatever. We're still gonna rock.
I'm trying to get Hero's Sports Club to let Bazil play, but I have to call at a certain time to talk to a certain person about that and it's as hard as an old Nintendo RPG where I needed the magical sword to slay the dragon, but needed 50 gold coins to buy the sword, and needed to clean the bartender's restroom to make the money but the bartender was captured by the peasants and I need to save the bartender first to get anything done.
Oh and Bazil also got a little set back with attempts of getting signed to a record label. I got this email the other day:
"Hey Kyle,
Thanks for hitting us up. I took a listen and enjoyed your music.
However, it's not what we're looking for at the moment. Best of luck
though and maybe we will see you in the future!
Scott ----
-------- Records"
Oh well, we keep chugging along, but I will say I was a little bummed for the rest of that day…
I've been watching DaveAOK's shorts for almost a year now, and I think this one is blog worthy:
It's and awesome video. But I'm worried that that's what I'll become some day…
CRUTCH (HD) from DaveAOK on Vimeo.
It's and awesome video. But I'm worried that that's what I'll become some day…
Bazil: For Sale
Poplord Music Video
A few months ago my buddy Anderson told me that he wanted me to act in a music video he was working on for a class. I've never really acted for realsies, but I gave it my best shot and this is how it turned out:
Dir. Anderson Kith
D.P. Kevin Blair
Prod. Melissa Villa
Boy - Me (Kyle Lowe)
Girl - Lindsey Arrington
Poplord - Change In Time For Monday.
Dir. Anderson Kith
D.P. Kevin Blair
Prod. Melissa Villa
Boy - Me (Kyle Lowe)
Girl - Lindsey Arrington
The Crossroads
Last night Bazil played with Fairlane at The Crossroads in Fresno. Here's some pictures:

Jason and I weren't allowed in the bar, so we had fun with chalk while waiting for our turn to rock.
Fairlane from LA was pretty awesome! They had a No Doubt-y styling to them and we're really entertaining.
The headlining act, You Me and Iowa dropped so Bazil got to headline. We did some extended jams and even made up a song about "my mom's a lesbian" on the spot as suggested by a strange looking man.
Overall it was really fun and hopefully they have us back to play again!
Jason and I weren't allowed in the bar, so we had fun with chalk while waiting for our turn to rock.
Fairlane from LA was pretty awesome! They had a No Doubt-y styling to them and we're really entertaining.
The headlining act, You Me and Iowa dropped so Bazil got to headline. We did some extended jams and even made up a song about "my mom's a lesbian" on the spot as suggested by a strange looking man.
Overall it was really fun and hopefully they have us back to play again!
Bazil The Great is in a contest.
Post this:

where ever you can.
Get the code here:
Post this:
where ever you can.
Get the code here:
The Lucky 13
Playing The Lucky 13 was an interesting experience. Here's pictues:

Movies and Concerts!
Sorry bloggity-blog for ignoring you. I've been busy and neglecting you.
Lots of cool stuff has been going on and I need to tell you all about it!
My uncle and his girlfriend are traveling the United States and are blogging about it as the go! Check out http://josephandkellydoamerica.blogspot.com/ to read their hilarious take on travel.
Some friends and I went to the midnight premiere of Angels & Demons and I thought it was good. I haven't read the book and Nicole said they changed some stuff in transition from book to movie, but the story was mainly intact.
Then I saw Star Trek and was thoroughly happy with that. I'm not much of a Trekkie, but it definitely was a good two hours of sci fi!
Also Bazil The Great is playing tomorrow at The Lucky 13. I hope to see a lot of people there!

Lots of cool stuff has been going on and I need to tell you all about it!
My uncle and his girlfriend are traveling the United States and are blogging about it as the go! Check out http://josephandkellydoamerica.blogspot.com/ to read their hilarious take on travel.
Some friends and I went to the midnight premiere of Angels & Demons and I thought it was good. I haven't read the book and Nicole said they changed some stuff in transition from book to movie, but the story was mainly intact.
Then I saw Star Trek and was thoroughly happy with that. I'm not much of a Trekkie, but it definitely was a good two hours of sci fi!
Also Bazil The Great is playing tomorrow at The Lucky 13. I hope to see a lot of people there!
Is the next big Caffe é Via Show!
I'm going on Chuck Leonard's show today to promote the album and tomorrow's show! So hop over to http://www.centralvalleytalk.com around 4pm to hear a song and here more details about upcoming Bazil The Great goodness!
Tomorrow's show is at teh Hanford Caffe é Via at N 11th Ave & W Fargo Ave Hanford CA!
Also my buddy Tad wants everyone to know about his band: The Tad Kent Project. He's pretty awesome, so check him out!
I'm trying to book more shows for Bazil The Great. If anyone has any suggestions for some cool and unexpected venues, let me know!
I'm going on Chuck Leonard's show today to promote the album and tomorrow's show! So hop over to http://www.centralvalleytalk.com around 4pm to hear a song and here more details about upcoming Bazil The Great goodness!
Tomorrow's show is at teh Hanford Caffe é Via at N 11th Ave & W Fargo Ave Hanford CA!
Also my buddy Tad wants everyone to know about his band: The Tad Kent Project. He's pretty awesome, so check him out!
I'm trying to book more shows for Bazil The Great. If anyone has any suggestions for some cool and unexpected venues, let me know!
CrAzY WeEkEnD!
Here's some of the pictures from this past weekend!
I'll get some from the jazz concerts up soon!

I'll get some from the jazz concerts up soon!
Two Awesome Nights Of Music And CDs…
…coming to your face!
First up is the Fresno State Jazz Band Concert:
Thursday, April 30th at 8:00 PM
In the Concert Hall in the Music Building
Fresno State University
Everyone will receive a free CD with a ticket purchase ($6)!
Than the night after that, is Bazil The Great EP release at Kuppajoe:
Thursday, May 1st at 7:00 PM
Kuppajoe 3673 N. First St. Fresno, CA
Cover is $8 and the EP will be $5!

It will be awesome!
First up is the Fresno State Jazz Band Concert:
Thursday, April 30th at 8:00 PM
In the Concert Hall in the Music Building
Fresno State University
Everyone will receive a free CD with a ticket purchase ($6)!
Than the night after that, is Bazil The Great EP release at Kuppajoe:
Thursday, May 1st at 7:00 PM
Kuppajoe 3673 N. First St. Fresno, CA
Cover is $8 and the EP will be $5!
It will be awesome!
Bazil Pictures and More Degrees of Separation
When Bazil The Great played Central Valley Talk last week, I had my friends Carl and Christy come out and take some pictures of us. Here are my favorites:

A few weeks ago, I played with my school jazz band for the school's "Day Of Percussion" and played with a guest drummer, Jeff Hamilton. Jeff kicked butt and was a great drummer (although he played really loud into my ear since the guitar sits next to the ride cymbal… I just hope I don't get Tinnitus when I'm too young) and I knew he had quite a lengthy résumé, but I just caught the Letterman from two weeks ago that Diana Krall was on and there Jeff was playing right behind her!
Pretty crazy! So because I played with Jeff Hamilton for the "Day Of Percussion" my degree of separation from Diana Krall is now one or two (I really need to look up how it actually works…). And then my degree of separation from Led Zeppelin and Elvis Costello is just two or three… Crazy indeed. But actually just being that close to Diana Krall is pretty awesome in itself…
A few weeks ago, I played with my school jazz band for the school's "Day Of Percussion" and played with a guest drummer, Jeff Hamilton. Jeff kicked butt and was a great drummer (although he played really loud into my ear since the guitar sits next to the ride cymbal… I just hope I don't get Tinnitus when I'm too young) and I knew he had quite a lengthy résumé, but I just caught the Letterman from two weeks ago that Diana Krall was on and there Jeff was playing right behind her!
Pretty crazy! So because I played with Jeff Hamilton for the "Day Of Percussion" my degree of separation from Diana Krall is now one or two (I really need to look up how it actually works…). And then my degree of separation from Led Zeppelin and Elvis Costello is just two or three… Crazy indeed. But actually just being that close to Diana Krall is pretty awesome in itself…
Bazil CD
I just posted the new Bazil The Great EP (The EP - Purple Spotted Underpants) up for iTunes.

It's pretty sweet. I'm super proud of it.
So anyone should be able to download it from iTunes or the Amazon MP3 store April 21 or 28. Or come out to a Bazil show sometime next month and buy a physical CD (I highly recommend it).
Bazil The Great is playing May 1 @ Kuppajoe (3673 N. First St., Fresno, California 93726), May 8 @ Caffe E Via (2597 N 11th Ave, Hanford, California), May 22 @ The Lucky 13 (4113 W Swift Ave 101, Fresno, California 93722), May 31 @ The Crossroads (3315 N. Cedar Ave., Fresno, California 93726).
Message me if you have any questions. Rock on.
It's pretty sweet. I'm super proud of it.
So anyone should be able to download it from iTunes or the Amazon MP3 store April 21 or 28. Or come out to a Bazil show sometime next month and buy a physical CD (I highly recommend it).
Bazil The Great is playing May 1 @ Kuppajoe (3673 N. First St., Fresno, California 93726), May 8 @ Caffe E Via (2597 N 11th Ave, Hanford, California), May 22 @ The Lucky 13 (4113 W Swift Ave 101, Fresno, California 93722), May 31 @ The Crossroads (3315 N. Cedar Ave., Fresno, California 93726).
Message me if you have any questions. Rock on.
What kylelowe's been up to.
These past few weeks have been flying by… I'm finishing up and EP for my band, Bazil The Great, and for my cousin's band, Kill Mike Love, finishing up this semester at school and trying to be ready for all of these deadlines.
The BTG and KML albums should be on iTunes late May or early June, depending on when my lazy ass gets them done, and my school work has been slacking.
I broke my fairly new glasses last week and I'm kinda bummed about that. I'm wearing my old glasses and I think I like them better, but will be getting a new pair of my latest fashion ones soon…
I've mixed live audio for my friends' band, HR7. They're really good and always put on a great show.
So with most of the things I've been doing, I've tried to remember to have my camera handy to take some pictures, so here's what was post able:

The BTG and KML albums should be on iTunes late May or early June, depending on when my lazy ass gets them done, and my school work has been slacking.
I broke my fairly new glasses last week and I'm kinda bummed about that. I'm wearing my old glasses and I think I like them better, but will be getting a new pair of my latest fashion ones soon…
I've mixed live audio for my friends' band, HR7. They're really good and always put on a great show.
So with most of the things I've been doing, I've tried to remember to have my camera handy to take some pictures, so here's what was post able:
Andy and Jen
A few weeks ago, my friends Andy and Jen got married.
I finally got around to going over the pics I took at the wedding today:

I finally got around to going over the pics I took at the wedding today:
Recording: Kill Mike Love
For the past two weekends, I've been recording my cousin's band, Kill Mike Love. We're shooting to finish 5 songs for an EP this month and have all 13 of their songs done in a few months.
The first three sessions went pretty smoothly and hopefully we only need two more to finish up the EP.
Here's some pictures I took over the second session:

Also, my band, Bazil The Great, is moving nicely. We're playing a show next Tuesday and it's going to be broadcast online! Watch us Tuesday April 7 at 4pm at http://www.centralvalleytalk.com/. I am also in talks with Kuppajoe and Extreme Pizza to set up a few more shows and the tshirts that I ordered for the band should be in soon!
Also, also, I'm acting in a friend's video project! It's a music video for a Fresno band called Poplord, the music is pretty fun and it's quite interesting to try to act. I'm so used to being on the other side of the camera and this is a new experience. I'll post the video as soon as it's done and online!
Hopefully the ball gets rolling smooth soon!
The first three sessions went pretty smoothly and hopefully we only need two more to finish up the EP.
Here's some pictures I took over the second session:
Also, my band, Bazil The Great, is moving nicely. We're playing a show next Tuesday and it's going to be broadcast online! Watch us Tuesday April 7 at 4pm at http://www.centralvalleytalk.com/. I am also in talks with Kuppajoe and Extreme Pizza to set up a few more shows and the tshirts that I ordered for the band should be in soon!
Also, also, I'm acting in a friend's video project! It's a music video for a Fresno band called Poplord, the music is pretty fun and it's quite interesting to try to act. I'm so used to being on the other side of the camera and this is a new experience. I'll post the video as soon as it's done and online!
Hopefully the ball gets rolling smooth soon!
So my band, Bazil The Great was supposed to play a show with Head Rush/HR7 this Friday, but the restaurant only wanted one band. Boo to Sequoia Brewing Co… no matter how good their homemade root beer is.
But we are going to play Central Valley Buzz with Chuck Leonard which is pretty cool, because we'll we online and on tv! We go on April 7th at 4pm. Click on Chuck's name to go to the website. Otherwise, we'll be on Channel 33(analog) and 43.1(digital).
And I took some demos to Club Fred/Audie's Olympic and Whiskey Creek. Hopefully something comes from that.
But all this focus on the band has hindered my attention to school, so I must get to my homework, nao.
But we are going to play Central Valley Buzz with Chuck Leonard which is pretty cool, because we'll we online and on tv! We go on April 7th at 4pm. Click on Chuck's name to go to the website. Otherwise, we'll be on Channel 33(analog) and 43.1(digital).
And I took some demos to Club Fred/Audie's Olympic and Whiskey Creek. Hopefully something comes from that.
But all this focus on the band has hindered my attention to school, so I must get to my homework, nao.
I just made my 3000th Twitter update. I just don't know if this means I'm awesome or if I need to get a life.

Also, the Fresno Famous website is hosting a contest to see who the most popular person in Fresno is. Right now a homosexual blogger is winning with 2000+ votes and I think I have 5, so go vote "The Amazing Kyle Lowe!" http://fresnofamous.com/sites/all/modules/fca/vote.php?what=pseudo_celebrity

Also, the Fresno Famous website is hosting a contest to see who the most popular person in Fresno is. Right now a homosexual blogger is winning with 2000+ votes and I think I have 5, so go vote "The Amazing Kyle Lowe!" http://fresnofamous.com/sites/all/modules/fca/vote.php?what=pseudo_celebrity
Has Autotune gone too far?
This man doesn't think so:
Auto Tuning.
I wish I would have thought this up…
This man doesn't think so:
Auto Tuning.
I wish I would have thought this up…
Not My Song
Nor her's, but she does a really good rendition:
But my song is coming along nicely, most of the song is mixed and ready to go, I'm just waiting for Jared Eben to possibly send me a piano track a lay underneath. And I'm going to start tracking another song soon so the "Kill Mike Love/Bazil The Great Split EP" and "The EP" can be done soon.
But my song is coming along nicely, most of the song is mixed and ready to go, I'm just waiting for Jared Eben to possibly send me a piano track a lay underneath. And I'm going to start tracking another song soon so the "Kill Mike Love/Bazil The Great Split EP" and "The EP" can be done soon.
Radagun: CD Release
Last night was Radagun's CD release party at Kuppajoe and it was pretty fun.
Here's some pictures from last night's set:

Also, my band Bazil The Great finished recording the first song for our new EP. Just a few more songs and we'll have a split EP with Kill Mike Love and a 5 song EP of out own to sell!
Here's some pictures from last night's set:
Also, my band Bazil The Great finished recording the first song for our new EP. Just a few more songs and we'll have a split EP with Kill Mike Love and a 5 song EP of out own to sell!
Degrees Of Separation
My first year at Fresno State I played in the Jazz Band B and for one of our concerts, a saxophone player named Bob Reynolds was a guest artist and played with the band.
He was a great player, but what really made me start struck was that he is John Mayer's saxophone player of choice and always tours with Mayer. Him playing with the Fresno State Jazz Bands made my degree of separation from John Mayer: 2. (That's how it works right? Or would it be 1 because there's only one person between John Mayer and I? Eh, 2 is close enough). Kyle Lowe > Bob Renolds > John Mayer
Today I was perusing the iTunes Store catalog (I don't really have money to buy music, but it doesn't mean I don't like to look) and saw that the California rapper Evidence just made a music video with will.i.am.
Last year, I helped my buddy Punit make the FASHAWN music video, My Way, which featured Evidence. I didn't meet Evidence, because his shoots were only in LA while I only did the Fresno production days. But I did work with FASHAWN who worked with Evidence, who has now worked with will.i.am. Kyle Lowe > FASHAWN > Evidence > will.i.am
So now, I'm at a 3rd degree of separation from will.i.am! I'm moving up in the world, although these degrees of separation aren't credible and can't be used on a résumé or in an interview…
I just thought I would point this out.
He was a great player, but what really made me start struck was that he is John Mayer's saxophone player of choice and always tours with Mayer. Him playing with the Fresno State Jazz Bands made my degree of separation from John Mayer: 2. (That's how it works right? Or would it be 1 because there's only one person between John Mayer and I? Eh, 2 is close enough). Kyle Lowe > Bob Renolds > John Mayer
Today I was perusing the iTunes Store catalog (I don't really have money to buy music, but it doesn't mean I don't like to look) and saw that the California rapper Evidence just made a music video with will.i.am.
Last year, I helped my buddy Punit make the FASHAWN music video, My Way, which featured Evidence. I didn't meet Evidence, because his shoots were only in LA while I only did the Fresno production days. But I did work with FASHAWN who worked with Evidence, who has now worked with will.i.am. Kyle Lowe > FASHAWN > Evidence > will.i.am
So now, I'm at a 3rd degree of separation from will.i.am! I'm moving up in the world, although these degrees of separation aren't credible and can't be used on a résumé or in an interview…
I just thought I would point this out.
I want to win.
Patrick Stump started a contest to win one of his signature guitars. All I had to do was record a cover of either Fall Out Boy's "I Don't Care" or "America's Suitehearts."
So this is my entry:
Kyle Lowe - America's Suitehearts Cover.
I went a little above and beyond with the overdubs, but whatever. I'd very much like to win an have a free guitar.
So this is my entry:
Kyle Lowe - America's Suitehearts Cover.
I went a little above and beyond with the overdubs, but whatever. I'd very much like to win an have a free guitar.
Guitars and Bicycles.
Today I went and saw my friend Becca play at the Sequoia Brewing Co. It was pretty awesome. I had a nice cup of root beer and awesome music.
Here's some pic's I took out there:

You can hear her music here:
My dad went out in the California Hills today to catch a glimpse of his bike hero, Lance Armstrong. He shot a little video of Armstrong flying by and I might upload it youtube if he let's me.
Here's some pic's I took out there:
You can hear her music here:
My dad went out in the California Hills today to catch a glimpse of his bike hero, Lance Armstrong. He shot a little video of Armstrong flying by and I might upload it youtube if he let's me.
Fatte: 28inch pizza FTW!
Last night's gig was awesome!
We ordered the FATTE 28 INCH pizza and almost ate all of it!
The bands sounded awesome and we even met some cool kids from the OC that were just hanging out.
Here's pictures from the gig:

We ordered the FATTE 28 INCH pizza and almost ate all of it!
The bands sounded awesome and we even met some cool kids from the OC that were just hanging out.
Here's pictures from the gig:
Friday: Gig!
Bill's Magical Guitar
My friend Bill is a rad guitar player. This is what he played on Tuesday at Fresno State:
Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto on Guitar - Bill Heisdorf and Charissa Thompson.
Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto on Guitar - Bill Heisdorf and Charissa Thompson.
Kyle and Nicole's DC Inauguration Extravaganza! Video Three
Kyle And Nicole's Inauguration Extravaganza Day 3.
I'll be posting 4 and 5 later today!
Thanks to everyone tuning into centralvalleytalk yesterday!
Today: Internet Radio. Tomorrow: The World!
I'm being interviewed on http://www.centralvalleytalk.com/ today around 4 or 5pm.
You should check it out. I'm probably going to talk about the new band or the jazz band or politics or something. It's all good.
So check it out!
You should check it out. I'm probably going to talk about the new band or the jazz band or politics or something. It's all good.
So check it out!
Kyle and Nicole's DC Inauguration Extravaganza! Video One
Here's the first video from the trip:
Kyle And Nicole's Inauguration Extravaganza Day 1.
Or for the youtube cats: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AmpQQMZqWw
Kyle And Nicole's Inauguration Extravaganza Day 1.
Or for the youtube cats: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AmpQQMZqWw
Last night's gig…
…was awesome! I had a great time and I think everyone there did too!
Here's pictures from the gig:

And here's some video from the gig:
Here's pictures from the gig:
And here's some video from the gig:
I can't wait until Tuesday.
I'm uploading some videos from the gig last night right now! I'll post when they're up!
I can't wait until Tuesday.
I'm uploading some videos from the gig last night right now! I'll post when they're up!
Christmas Pics
I got kinda caught up in the inauguration and didn't upload the the Christmas pictures. So here they are:

Kyle and Nicole's DC Inauguration Extravaganza! Epilogue
I'm back home, in my mostly comfy computer chair and pondering about the past five days. It was an amazing experience. Nicole and I were very lucky and in very good fortune since the inception of the plan to go to Washington DC back in November.
It all began with Nicole telling me that she wanted to go and then it snowballed into me being told I was considered for tickets from my congressman to booking a package flight and hotel. I thank and am extremely grateful to everyone who supported us in going and I am humbled by the experience that I received while attending.
Usually I have something witty to say or some sort of quip, but for this post all I have is a warm heart to pour out in gratitude. Thank you and goodnight.
PS. I got my new glasses today:

It all began with Nicole telling me that she wanted to go and then it snowballed into me being told I was considered for tickets from my congressman to booking a package flight and hotel. I thank and am extremely grateful to everyone who supported us in going and I am humbled by the experience that I received while attending.
Usually I have something witty to say or some sort of quip, but for this post all I have is a warm heart to pour out in gratitude. Thank you and goodnight.
PS. I got my new glasses today:
Kyle and Nicole's DC Inauguration Extravaganza! Part 5
The big day arrived! We got up and out about 7:30am and hit the metro. The station near the hotel wasn't bad, there were just a few more people there than usual. As we got closer to the capitol, the cars got super full and people were packed like sardines.
When we got off the metro about 8am there was already a sea of people crowding the streets of the capitol. We realized we had to walk all the way around the capitol to get to our entrance. We found a line to our entrance and followed it all the way around a block to the end. When we got into line, we met a red capped volunteer (all the volunteers wore special red caps to stand out) and he said that the block wrapping line was bogus and led to nowhere. He led us and a few hundred other people to the actual entrance and we were in in under an hour (very much unlike the people who had arrived at 4am and created a bogus line).
We were two hours early and found a spot to sit and relax for a bit. About 10-10:30am the US Marine band began to play and slightly entertain the 2million+ crowd. Important political figure heads began to file out of the capitol around 11am. The crowd cheered for Jimmy Carter and some booed for Bush Sr. and everyone cheered again for the Clintons and then many booed again for Bush Jr. When the Obama family emerged on the jumbotrons, the crowd went crazy. The (positive) mob mentality was humongous.
The ceremony was very straight forward. very much like all the other swearing in ceremonies that I've seen before, but Obama's speech was very interesting. He spoke with humility, humbleness and a very prepared mentality for the very difficult job ahead of him. The full transcript of his speech is on the Huffington Post. I highly recommend reading it over. The actual event was very emotional and reading his words over again is well worth it:
Few of my pictures from yesterday turned out and the only pictures I ended up uploading to flickr are of a little photo shoot Nicole and I did while waiting for the event to begin. None of my pictures of the jumbotrons turned out nor was I happy with my photos of the crowds. Here's the slim pickings from yesterday:

When we got off the metro about 8am there was already a sea of people crowding the streets of the capitol. We realized we had to walk all the way around the capitol to get to our entrance. We found a line to our entrance and followed it all the way around a block to the end. When we got into line, we met a red capped volunteer (all the volunteers wore special red caps to stand out) and he said that the block wrapping line was bogus and led to nowhere. He led us and a few hundred other people to the actual entrance and we were in in under an hour (very much unlike the people who had arrived at 4am and created a bogus line).
We were two hours early and found a spot to sit and relax for a bit. About 10-10:30am the US Marine band began to play and slightly entertain the 2million+ crowd. Important political figure heads began to file out of the capitol around 11am. The crowd cheered for Jimmy Carter and some booed for Bush Sr. and everyone cheered again for the Clintons and then many booed again for Bush Jr. When the Obama family emerged on the jumbotrons, the crowd went crazy. The (positive) mob mentality was humongous.
The ceremony was very straight forward. very much like all the other swearing in ceremonies that I've seen before, but Obama's speech was very interesting. He spoke with humility, humbleness and a very prepared mentality for the very difficult job ahead of him. The full transcript of his speech is on the Huffington Post. I highly recommend reading it over. The actual event was very emotional and reading his words over again is well worth it:
Few of my pictures from yesterday turned out and the only pictures I ended up uploading to flickr are of a little photo shoot Nicole and I did while waiting for the event to begin. None of my pictures of the jumbotrons turned out nor was I happy with my photos of the crowds. Here's the slim pickings from yesterday:
Kyle and Nicole's DC Inauguration Extravaganza! Part 4
I'm posting this evening because we're going to have a very early morning tomorrow.
Today was pretty short and sweet. We went out to the Longworth House Office Building to pick up the tickets for the inauguration. Then later we went to a Safeway to get food and sustenance for the long day ahead.
Here's some pictures from today:

Today was pretty short and sweet. We went out to the Longworth House Office Building to pick up the tickets for the inauguration. Then later we went to a Safeway to get food and sustenance for the long day ahead.
Here's some pictures from today:
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