These past few weeks have been flying by… I'm finishing up and EP for my band, Bazil The Great, and for my cousin's band, Kill Mike Love, finishing up this semester at school and trying to be ready for all of these deadlines.
The BTG and KML albums should be on iTunes late May or early June, depending on when my lazy ass gets them done, and my school work has been slacking.
I broke my fairly new glasses last week and I'm kinda bummed about that. I'm wearing my old glasses and I think I like them better, but will be getting a new pair of my latest fashion ones soon…
I've mixed live audio for my friends' band, HR7. They're really good and always put on a great show.
So with most of the things I've been doing, I've tried to remember to have my camera handy to take some pictures, so here's what was post able: