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And tomorrow, I have an interview with a local Jamba Juice. My buddy Joey helped my score an interview, thanks again Joey! So there will probably be either a really happy blog post or sad post tomorrow...
That and the guys at local CBS affiliate emailed me and told me there's a position they're considering me for. Also very exciting.
Downside to either potential jobs: waking up early. Needed to be at the news station at 4:30am for the morning news or opening up the Jamba Juice at 5:30am. Oh well. If I get either (or both) jobs I'll just bite my lip and get it done.
Why? Because I just spent $485 dollars on more recording equipment. So I really need to get that money back quick. Oh, the equipment is totally worth the price, but my unemployment funds are running low and need to be replenished. Otherwise I'll slowly go from unemployed status to homeless status if my parents don't like the "poor" and "mooch"-ness inside me.
So to recap:
And go to my gig! And buy my new tshirts (pic soon) and help me avoid homelessness!