

I have a gig on thursday! I'm so excited! I'm opening up for my cousin's band Kill Mike Love.

Here's a flier:
2008-07-03 Flier

And a map:

View Larger Map

And tomorrow, I have an interview with a local Jamba Juice. My buddy Joey helped my score an interview, thanks again Joey! So there will probably be either a really happy blog post or sad post tomorrow...

That and the guys at local CBS affiliate emailed me and told me there's a position they're considering me for. Also very exciting.

Downside to either potential jobs: waking up early. Needed to be at the news station at 4:30am for the morning news or opening up the Jamba Juice at 5:30am. Oh well. If I get either (or both) jobs I'll just bite my lip and get it done.

Why? Because I just spent $485 dollars on more recording equipment. So I really need to get that money back quick. Oh, the equipment is totally worth the price, but my unemployment funds are running low and need to be replenished. Otherwise I'll slowly go from unemployed status to homeless status if my parents don't like the "poor" and "mooch"-ness inside me.

So to recap:

And go to my gig! And buy my new tshirts (pic soon) and help me avoid homelessness!

Wii-Make Vimeo Edition

Last year, Jason Wada and I entered a video for the Motion City Soundtrack lipsync contest. We didn't win, but we're really proud of the video. It's less of a lipsync and more a of a remake (Wii-Make!) and the original music video is inset in the video.

Today I uploaded it to Vimeo, just because I like Vimeo's embed function more.

Here it is:

This Is For Real Wii-Make from Kyle Lowe on Vimeo.

Watch it, favorite it, embed it to your website or blog or profile, but most of all love it.


Dim Sum

My extended family went out to Dim Sum for lunch today.

Here's the pics:

HR7/Head Rush

I went and saw my friends' band last night and they rock.

Here's some pictures I took:

And check out their myspace page:

They put on a mean live show, it's great!


Late June Photos

Tell me what you think!


I haven't gotten a single video view in the past three days on Vimeo!

Not a single one.

And the line graph on my youtube account is drooping too!

I suggest you take some time and sit down and watch some of my videos.


New ones, old ones. It's all cool.

Please watch.

I'm begging you.

Too much of my self esteem relies on it...

Oh and listen to my music while you're at it.


I have a gig next thursday in Hanford opening up for my cousin's band. I'll post more when as it gets closer.

And I'm getting tshirts to sell! (thanks to Jesse: http://www.myspace.com/unclejscreenprinting)

I'll post pics once they're in!


Concert Review: Paisley

I saw the Brad Paisley tour stop today here in Fresno, California. The Paisley Party was quite a rambunctious bunch. Now, I'm not a contemporary country fan, but my dad wanted to go and I'm always down for some speed yodeling and some bluesy guitar solos.

The show started punctually at 7:30 just like my ticket stub said. The opening act was Julianne Hough and I guess she was on Dancing with the Stars... I don't watch the show nor do I regularly listen to country radio, so I was out of the loop, but her set was nice. Her bass player played a new Fender five string Precision bass. I was a bit jealous... Oh well.

The next opening act was Chuck Wicks. Once again, another country act I had never heard of. The ladies in the crowd went crazy for him, but I felt he looked like he was just going through the motions and bit worn out (probably from constant touring).

Then my second reason for going, Jewel. She had a very nice performance mixing in her late nineties hits with her new "country" songs. I really think that "Country Jewel" = Jewel + Lap Steel Guitar... but some might disagree. Right at the end she gave me what I wanted: a little taste of her "speed yodeling." It was awesome. I'm a sucker for oddball stuff like that. Yodeling and Glockenspiels and Theremins, ah my life would be complete...

Brad Paisley had quite an amazing set. His screen behind him was very sharp and it was used amazingly. Right at the beginning there seemed to be a silhouette of Paisley rising from a trap door of the stage, then BAM all the lights flash and he was magically at the front of the stage! It took me a few moments before I realized what had happened. Then later, he sang his duet song with a video and audio recording of Allison Krauss, my dad quickly leaned over to me and stated, "Wait, she's on tour with Robert Plant right now..." With Paisley standing next to the life size reproduction of Krauss, it was fairly believable. Paisley's final time shifted duet was with B.B. King on his bluesy jam of a finale. The video of King said "Streaming Live Via Satellite from Las Vegas" in the corner, although I'm sure it was a recording, Still awesome either way. I loves me some blues.

There's more stuff to it, but overall, I'm really satisfied with the concert. I had a good time and the music-tainment (highly choreographed/insanely pre-planned) was fun.

So I've come to realize: I would really like to be a touring guitar player or bass player for any of these big solo artists. Rock, blues, jazz, country, rock; I don't care, I can play it all (I'm not vain, I swear). I know they prep for about three months to get their entire stage performance etched into their minds, I would do that. I would love to tour the country, have the newest and coolest gear and possibly have the opportunity to eventually play my own music in front of lots of people some day.

You hear that record companies and touring industry? Guitar/bass player for hire! I'd much rather blog about that than sit around twiddling my thumbs and just blogging about concerts I see.

*sigh* Someday...

Well, in the now, I'm helping with a little performance/jam session for a friend. He was put in charge of entertainment for a little church fundraiser dinner and wanted to put together a band. It's really unorganized and I'm not really sure how the quality of the entertainment will be, but I'm have a worthwhile amount of fun jamming with friends. It should work out just fine.

There's also a film production company rolling through town next month and I'm going to try to snag a position as a Production Assistant or something. The only bummer is that the interview time runs into the setup time for the church dinner thing... I'm going to have to do some amazing time balancing to fit it all in.

For next month, Nicole and I have ticket for the Coldplay concert in San Jose. I'm very excited. So, there will probably be another concert review post next month-or-so. Yay for Coldplay!


Bosco (similar to Basco)!

The dog!

Kudos to you if you know what I'm talking about.


Dogs and GameBoys!

My Dog and I from Kyle Lowe on Vimeo.

I made the music with my GameBoy! It's the Music Tech 2.0 from Pixelh8. Sure it costed $60, but it was totally worth it. You can listen to and download the track on my music Myspace profile.

Let me know what you think!


Star Wars Parodies

So this is the silly little video I made with action figures:

And these are the ones my sister made:

Yeah, they're pretty juvenile.



So I think I'm going crazy from the Fresno heat.

Metal Gear Solid 4 rocks my socks. Although, I haven't played nearly as much as Brandon.

I made some silly videos with Star Wars action figures. I might upload them, maybe.


video, video, video.

I have a new (old) video!
I found this file collecting dust on my hard drive, I guess I forgot to upload it.

Sure some of you cool kids are too hip for Fall Out Boy, but I really like that song and took it to heart the first time I heard it, when Audrey and Michelle first let me listen to their CD...

I just finished watching the Motion City Soundtrack live online broadcast. It was really cool. Not quite as cool as driving up to San Francisco with Brandon, Jason, and Sophia to see them, but pretty darn cool.

Earlier this week, my cousin, Melanie, gave birth to her first child. Very cool, indeed.

This was right after they took the Darth Vader helmet off her. Not really.


New pictures and rumblings in my head.

Here's some pictures I've taken over the past few days. I've been attending quite a few graduation parties and I'm gonna post a video sometime soon after I edit it all together.

My allergies have been killing me and I don't like it.

Life is getting stressful and I need some rest and relaxation soon.